the 20th anniversary celebration

2015-10-15 08:54:00

On October 14,2015,ZhangShan Steel Cylinder Co.,ltd celebrated the 20th anniversary of its establishment. At 17:18 pm,along with the melodious music and warm applause,General Manager Mr.Chen Hongwei delivered a warm speech. "After 20 years development,ZhangShan become a private enterprise with 500 employees,changing from a small factory with dozens of staffs.We are so proud that billions of families used our lpg cylinder." He said,"I sincerely thank all staffs for your diligence and hard work."

"20 years ago, we set up factories in order to survive and live,our life has been significantly improved.But there is still a long way to expand our company.Many of our comrades have been working here for more than ten years, witnessed the development of our hard-earned enterprise."He added.

He pointed out that we need to establish a long-term development ideology to achieve the next 20 years' goals.By improving the workshop environment and upgrading on the automated production lines to build a standardized modern factory.We need to advance with the times,learn to change and keep up the pace of development.Make plans for tomorrow while producing quality lpg cylinders. 

Mr. Chen said that 20 years is not only the prime of our lives,but also means a rapid growing period of ZhangShan.Wang Liangen was awarded the name of "special contribution award for 20 years".Vice general manager Xu Shoulong announced the recognition decision of "Top 10 Excellent Employees".They are Zhang Cailiang, Sheng Yonggui, Zhuang Jianmin, Yao Jianlin,Yao Guozhou,Yu Bingfa,Wang Meihua,Shen Gejian,Ruan Jinggao,Yu Fuguan,Yu Lannan,Tao Jianping,Liao Guoqing,Shen Jianfa,Tan Jingqi,Fei Huangen.Mr.Chen award them "Top 10 Excellent Employees" certificate and presents,and posed for pictures with them.

 "Top 10 Excellent Employees" representative Yu Fuguan delivered a speech."I joined the company for more than ten years, I felt very happy while witnessing the company growing day by day. I have been a front-line worker, had been a workshop director, did a lot of jobs.I didn't make anything significant contribution to the company,the only thing I do is responsible for daily works and handle every issues carefully.I think as long as each of our colleagues make efforts on their daily jobs, on every little thing, every products we produced,the company will certainly have a future. Enterprise developed,so our employees can also have a future."He said.He called on everyone to work hard together to make ZhangShan better and stronger. 

At the event staff spontaneously organized a number of programs,there is a poem "Ode To Cylinders" created by Zhang Donghui,and declaimed by Lv Yongqing.Wu Xiaoquan performed "Nose Blowing Balloon", Yu Chao sang " Ten Years",and Van Honggen sung "You Are My Rose ".Both won the enthusiastic cheers. The company also prepared a special prize,2 first prize,3 second prize, 10 third prize,100 fourth prize.Everyone is enthusiastic. 

20 years are struggle days for ZhangShan,along with trials and hardships, also with the development and quick expansion. We will fight for another 20 years along with innovation and brand.We wish ZhangShan Steel Cylinder Co.,ltd will be better and stronger.

©2017Hangzhou Yuhang Zhangshan Steel Cylinder Co., Ltd.Design by: RAIN Brand